
Meeting with Koudougou focal points

On December 02 and 03, 2021, a meeting was held between CIF Assurances Vie BF and the focal points of the Network of Caisses Populaires du Burkina (RCPB).

On December 02 and 03, 2021, a meeting was held between CIF Assurances Vie BF and the focal points of the Network of Caisses Populaires du Burkina (RCPB).

Indeed, since the last meeting held in Koudougou on October 25 and 26, 2018, no other consultation had taken place between the company and its Focal Points. Hence the need to organize this meeting in order to revitalize the activities of the latter.

The general objective of the meeting was to strengthen the capacity of the focal points in their roles and responsibilities in the sale and promotion of insurance products.

In total, eleven participants from CIF Vie and forty from RCPB took part in the meeting.

During the two days, the participants were able to benefit from a recycling on the products, discuss the difficulties encountered and receive a set of information on the prospects in terms of new products as well as the expectations in terms of objectives for the year. 2022.

The meeting ended with commitments made by all the focal points to the Director General and the representative of the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and which can be summarized as follows: “a school loan raised, a BAORE product sold, a trade credit, a BAORE product sold”.

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