

CIF-VIE Burkina’s mission is to “Develop and market competitive commercial offers adapted to the needs of target audiences”

2. Vision

Our vision for 2023: “to be ranked in the top 4 life insurance companies in Burkina Faso by offering the best satisfaction rate while being the closest and most humane in its relations with its policyholders”.

3. Issues
  • Ensure a breakthrough in the banking market, decentralized financial systems in the next decade at the national level to establish customer diversification
  • Successfully implementing digitalization in the market development approach
  • Mobilize an ambitious and daring sales force
  • Developing new market segments
  • Ensure a breakthrough in the market other than bank and SFD customers (young people and actors of the solidarity economy)
  • Innovate to adapt to the needs and profiles of customers and prospects
  • Hours:

    Lundi au vendredi : 7:30 - 12:30 / 13:30 - 16:30

  • Phone:

    (+226) / 69

  • Phone:


  • E-mail:

  • Sise à la patte d'oie, secteur 52 (ex secteur 15), Avenue de la Sagesse, en face de la Paroisse Notre Dame des Apôtres

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