The Confederation of Financial Institutions of West Africa

The Confederation of Financial Institutions of West Africa (CIF-AO) is the concretization of the solidarity of six (06) major national umbrella organizations of cooperatives and savings and credit mutuals in five (05) countries of the zone. UMOA offering diversified financial and non-financial services to their members/clients, namely, FCPB from Burkina, FECECAM-BENIN, FUCEC-TOGO, KAFO JIGINEW and NYESIGISO from Mali and UM-PAMECAS from Senegal.

  • Hours:

    Lundi au vendredi : 7:30 - 12:30 / 13:30 - 16:30

  • Phone:

    (+226) / 69

  • Phone:


  • E-mail:

  • Sise à la patte d'oie, secteur 52 (ex secteur 15), Avenue de la Sagesse, en face de la Paroisse Notre Dame des Apôtres

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